12. jaan 2007

change one thing, change everything

krt! krtkrtkrt!!! ma olen nüüd meeleheitel ega oska enam kuidagi olla. selline vemp lööb ju maailmapildi sassi! raisk!

ükspäev näidati telekast hoopis teistsuguse lõpuga filmi liblikaefekti nime all. the butterfly effect [2004]. no ma ei teadnud arvata, et kinoversioon ja director's cut nii palju erinevad! vaatasin seda arengut seal ja arvasin endamisi tasakesi, et ma vist olen natuke hulluks läinud. või siis ajan midagi segamini.

when the writer/directors first wrote and shot the film, evan "saved" kayleigh by going backwards in time and strangling himself inside of his mother's womb. this included a sub-plot in the film in which the mother mentions that she had had many miscarriages before giving birth to evan and that he was her "miracle." this original ending/storyline tested poorly with early audiences, so the studio pushed for a less-harsh conclusion to the film.
see lõpp oli hea!
there was an alternate "happy ending" ending filmed where evan and kayleigh actually turn around at the same time and begin to talk.
võeh! peavad siis kõik filmid ultimately läägeks kätte ära kiskuma? tule taevas appi!

pettusin ja nördisin ja võtsin kasutusele radikaalsed meetmed [kustutasin liblikaefekti oma lemmikfilmide loetelust orkutis :D].

ma nii armastasin seda filmi! nuuks!

10st 3 maha. lõpp on oluline!

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