4. juuni 2008

happiness is only real when shared

into the wild [2007] on liigutav film. pilkupüüdev ja eemaletõukav, kergemeelne ja sügavamõtteline, armsalt soe ja kärekülm, helge ja masendav. see film läbib nii laia tunnete skaala, et kõiki neist ma siinkohal loetleda ei püüagi.

loo lõpp oli minu arvates väga leidlik! kõlab naljakalt, arvestades asjaoluga, et tegemist on tõestisündinud looga, aga hey, elu ongi teinekord selline... beyond your wildest dreams! mis nüüd, konteksti asetatuna, kõlab jällegi naljakalt ja see pole just see, mida ma silmas pidasin, aga.

see film on üks neist, mis vabalt võib hinge minna. seal on ilu. on meeletutes kogustes metsiku looduse vaateid, mis hetkeks hingata ei luba, on enese- ja idealismi otsinguid, on julgust loobuda ja hüljata kõik. on elutarkust ja uskumatut, lausa saatuslikku rumalust. on vince vaughn! kellele siis vince hinge ei poeks!

wayne: outdoorsman. what's your fascination with all that stuff?
christopher: i'm going to alaska.
wayne: alaska, alaska? or city alaska? because they do have markets in alaska. the city of alaska. not in alaska. in the city of alaska, they have markets.
christopher: no, man. alaska, alaska. i'm gonna be all the way out there, all the way fucking out there. just on my own. you know, no fucking watch, no map, no axe, no nothing. no nothing. just be out there. just be out there in it. you know, big mountains, rivers, sky, game. just be out there in it, you know? in the wild.
wayne: in the wild.
christopher: just wild!
wayne: yeah. what are you doing when we're there? now you're in the wild, what are we doing?
christopher: you're just living, man. you're just there, in that moment, in that special place and time. maybe when i get back, i can write a book about my travels.
wayne: yeah. why not?
christopher: you know, about getting out of this sick society. society!
wayne: [coughs] society! society!
christopher: society, man! you know, society! cause, you know what i don't understand? i don't understand why people, why every fucking person is so bad to each other so fucking often. it doesn't make sense to me. judgment. control. all that, the whole spectrum. well, it just...

mulle meeldib mõelda, et ehk leiab mõni õnnetu ja eksinud hing sellest filmist enesele mõtteainet. ent ka kõigi teiste aega into the wild juba ei raiska!

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